My CEC and CTC Journey

(Re-posted on LinkedIn | Scrum Alliance) This writing is way past overdue. I have been putting this off for, at least, a few years. But it is better later than never?. Today, I would like to share my (this is Gene) personal journey of becoming a Certified Enterprise (CEC) and Team (CTC) coach. About the … Read more

Agile Poetry In Motion

Lyrics written by: Gene Gendel | Musical/voice performance by: Erin Perry LinkedIn feed -1- It is time to get serious about agility: It is best to be viewed as PMO utility. Scrum and Kanban are agile “methodologies”, Agile Manifesto – is purists’ ideology. -2- Agile KPIs, metrics and RAGs, PMs – proudly wearing “Agile Coach” name … Read more

About Contracts That Support Agile Ways of Working

Tweet One of a few under-served (ignored) dimensions of agile transformations that frequently limit chances for success is vendor management – and it can be traced back to legal contracts between a client company and supplier/vendor. Vendor management norms and guidelines define relationships and interaction between a company’s own employees and external workers, individually and … Read more

Thoughts by Rick Waters, CST

Rick Waters is a Business Agility Coach and Trainer, from Chicago, with more than 15 years of technical software development experience, and almost 10 years of Agile leadership experience.  Rick primarily trains Scrum, Enterprise Scrum Business Agility, and Kanban. This is what Rick wrote, in support of the recently released book by Gene Gendel (Adaptive … Read more

Tips To Run ‘Big’ Retrospectives

For any team that uses scrum framework, a retrospective is a mandatory event that takes place at the end of each sprint.  It is an opportunity for a team to reflect on their most recent learning, while it is still fresh in everyone’s mind.  There are many tips, techniques and tools for running a retrospective.  … Read more

What Should Agile Leadership Care About?

Tweet Agile frameworks (e.g. Scrum, Kanban, XP), individuals’ roles & responsibilities, processes & tools, metrics & reporting, burn-up charts, estimation techniques, backlog prioritization, agile engineering practices, agile maturity models etc. – all of them are important attributes of a typical agile transformation.  However, NONE of them are first-degree-of-importance system variables that are responsible for transformation … Read more

Parallel Organization, As a Sushi Roll

Tweet When we ask an experienced scrum master, product owner or developer define a user story, they usually understand that “…every user story must be INVEST-able…(taken from B. Hartman’s post)”. When we further elaborate on the “INVEST” part, we discover that splitting a user story is done vertically (along features), not horizontally (along components e.g. … Read more

You Get What you Ask For: Agile Coaches-“Centaurs”

Tweet If you were a company’s CEO and had a very clear and urgent need to improve your organization, to stay competitive and successful in a marketplace, and therefore, were looking for guide-level senior advisers and coaches, whom you could trust and rely on during your challenging journey, who would you choose:  people on the … Read more

Sprint Length: Who Decides? How? Why?

What is the best Sprint length?  Who decides on Sprint length? Are there any exceptions?  What are some of the most common mistakes people make, when making decisions about Sprint length? Let’s start from grassroots and answer the following basic question: “What is Sprint main goal?”  And while looking for an answer, let’s refer to … Read more