Training, Coaching & Webinars

LeSS Adoption LandscapeAdditional Training On-Demand | Study References

Upcoming LeSS Training

Product-centric organizational design that increases business agility and resilience, in the fast-paced and constantly-changing world of GenAI.  Learning Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) organizational system will also give a strong advantage to individuals, in today’s highly competitive marketplace.

04/01 – 04/03: Certified LeSS Basics
04/08 – 04/10: Certified LeSS Basics
06/04 – 06/06: Certified LeSS For Executives


LeSS Adoption Landscape (Organizations That Have Adopted LeSS)

Self-Study References

  1. Short recordings (<15 min) about LeSS 
  2. Scrum Overview | LeSS Overview Principles Structure | Management | Technical Excellence | Adoption
  3. LeSS Huge | 1-Team Scrum | Self-Assessments | Communities | Scrum Guide (LeSS Version) 
  4. Case Studies (logos) | Extended Study | Graphics | Learning Resources | Mentoring ProgramsTeam Design Game
  5. LeSS Class materials | LeSS Adoption Journey | Product Definition Worksheet
  6. 1-Team Scrum | CSM & CSPO LOsScrum Master Stories | Virtual Events (Tips & Tricks)
  7. LeSS: The Complete Picture | F/T Primer | Agile Contracts Primer | Game: (Feature vs. Component Teams)
  8. Search | Class Experience Report: Product Definition, DoD & Team ‘Blueprint’ Exercise


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