The Certified LeSS Practitioner and provisional Certified LeSS Practitioner courses (also, described on is an in-depth course covering the LeSS principles, framework and rules, and guides. It provides essential information for adopting and improving LeSS to your product development group. The course contains an overview of LeSS, stories on LeSS adoptions, exercises and extensive LeSS Q&A to ensure we discuss the topics most of interest to the participants. The Certified LeSS Practitioner course is for anyone who is involved in a LeSS effort. Basic Scrum knowledge is expected and can be achieved by attending a Certified Scrum Master or a Professional Scrum Master course, or thoroughly reading Scrum introduction material such as the Scrum Primer and practicing Scrum.
Want to learn more about how companies have implemented LeSS? Please visit the LeSS Case Studies page.
Target Audience
- Experienced ScrumMasters and agile practitioners
- Team and Enterprise coaches, Trainers
- Organizational leaders and senior managers
- Developers and Technologists
Detailed Review Content
This review will combine instructor-led structured training, based on the Learning Objectives below, introduction to System Modelling and extensive Q&A that is based on experience of practical implementation and lessons learned by experienced LeSS coaches (example).
- Introduction to LeSS
- LeSS is Scrum-based approach to scaling
- LeSS: the complete picture (principles, rules, guides, experiments)
- Local Optimization vs. Global Optimization
- Impact of LeSS on organizational design (structures, policies)
- The ‘Contract’ Game
- Feature Teams vs. Component Teams
- LeSS roles and their purposes
- Why is there only one PO in LeSS?
- Role of Scrum Masters
- Role of Managers
- How can LeSS scale over up to 8 teams?
- Understanding reasons behind attempts to “modify” LeSS
Reading Pre-Requisites /Self-Study
- Lean Thinking – what is it?
- System Thinking
- Proper Scaling of Scrum and Dynamic Financial Forecasting
- “Should Have” (read):
- Readings Preparing for First Call
- Readings Preparing for LeSS Adoption
- LeSS Story
- The Scrum Guide, by Jeff Sutherland and Ken Scwaber
- Scrum Checklist by Henrik Kniberg
- The Scrum Master Checklist, by Michael James
- Scrum Primer
- “Could Have” (read):
- LeSS Events in NYC
- LeSS Communities Globally
- LeSS Newsletters Archive
- LeSS Articles
- LeSS Books (free download as pdf, with log-in)
- Organizational Flattening with LeSS
- Hexagon of LeSS values
- LeSS Videos
- LeSS Brochure
- LeSS Rules (2-pager)
- LeSS Poster
- CLB Flyer – General
- CLB Flyer-On-Demand
- System Thinking in LeSS transformations (Lv Yi)
- LeSS related Videos
- LeSS Games
- Agile Contracts, Larman and Vodde
- Agile Contracts, library of Mark Levison
Scrum Education Units (SEUs)
After attending this review session, students will be able to claim up to 8 SEUs (Scrum Education Units) under Category C, towards Scrum Alliance CSP (Certified Scrum Professional) credential.
LeSS in a Nutshell:
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Webinars & Podcasts on LeSS
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Introduction Letter To Class Attendees:
This course is about Large-Scale Scrum, and it assumes a thorough understanding of the key ideas of basic “one team” Scrum and deep understanding of the official “Scrum Guide” Scrum (, regarding organizational design implications and practices.
In class we will explore LeSS adoption, new organizational design, systems thinking & optimization, the role of management, and concretely how to work together in a Sprint at scale in terms of coordination, refinement, planning, and more.
The class will include a plenty of system modelling (will improvise with our virtual assets), Q&A and some other practical activities.
Below are some useful pre-course references that you may start reviewing at your own pace:
- Why LeSS
- Introduction chapter on LeSS ( from the 3rd book on LeSS)
- Lean Thinking
- Systems Thinking
- Why “Scrum” Isn’t Making Your Organization Agile: Harmful
Misconceptions About Product Owner Role (video) - A pre-course Scrum-knowledge self-assessment
- A pre-course LeSS-knowledge self-assessment
- Additional Learning Resources (blogs, articles, book links)
- CLB Baseline
- pCLP Baseline
Training Agenda:
- Introduction, Logistics, Stage Setting
- Commonly known omissions with scaling
- LeSS, as Organizational Design/De-Scaling Framework
- Informed Consent in LeSS
- What is System Thinking (& Modelling)?
- LeSS Rules
- Structure
- Product
- Sprint
- LeSS Guides:
- Three LeSS Adoption Principles
- Organizational Design – 1st Order Factor
- Local Optimization
- Internal Contracts (& HR)
- LeSS Guides: Organizing by Customer Value
- Management
- Scrum Master
- Product
- Product Owner
- Product Backlog
- Definition of Done
- Product Backlog Refinement
- Sprint Planning
- Coordination & Integration
- Review & Retrospective
- LeSS (Huge) Rules
- Structure
- Product
- Sprint
- LeSS (Huge) Guides:
- Organizing by Customer Value
- Product Owner
- Product Backlog
- Extras:
- Product Definition & Exploration Activities in LeSS
- LeSS Case Studies
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