November 17: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Course | NYC

Tweet Another Certified Large Scale Scrum Basics is compete! Such an engaging and participating crowd!!!  Tons of provocative questions and complex organizational scenarios. Some most intriguing and and actively discussed topics: Seeing and Hearing Local Optimization Feature Teams vs. Component Teams Mentor-ship vs. Ownership Individual motivation Organizational Design implications on LeSS adoption Organizational De-scaling as means … Read more

August 25: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Course | NYC

  This class brought together people of different skill set and domain expertise: hands-on software engineers, managers and analysts, agile coaches, trainers and Scrum Masters. It was a high-pace introductory review of LeSS framework, with the focus on organizational design, system dynamics, LeSS principles/rules/guides, local optimization vs. global optimization, feature vs. component teams, LeSS roles … Read more