Candid, Unscripted Conversation About SAFe, with Tom Mellor (CST)

Tweet I (Gene here) had the pleasure of having a candid, unscripted Conversation About SAFe, with Tom Mellor – one of the early days’ Certified Scrum Trainers (CST).  Tom openly shared some of his personal knowledge and views about SAFe, much of which was based on Tom’s many years in the industry experience and the … Read more

LeSS Talks: May 22: Darwin Theory of Agile Coaching Evolution, with Ron Whitebread

Tweet Learn how one company iterated on their coaching approach – from experimentation to big consulting “transformation” to systems thinking enablement (transitioning from being supported by one of Big 5 consultancy companies, with their “push agile” model,  to a reputable, boutique agile coaching and training company) – to become more effective in achieving desired outcomes, … Read more

03/14 – LeSS Talks: Johanna Rothman: How To Create a Career Ladder for Vertical and Lateral Movement

Tweet Materials Johanna Rothman’s monthly newsletter “Pragmatic Manager” and her blogs can be found at and Additional Assets Relevant to the Topic: Gap Between Science and Business OKR: Narrowing the gap between “O” AND “KR” Additional Learning Assets: Upcoming LeSS Training Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions … Read more

Changing Your Coaching Engagement Type

Tweet From Independent Coach – To Coach FTE From Coach FTE – an Independent Coach From Independent Coach  To Coach – FTE Imagine yourself: you – for many years, have been investing into and developing your own career path, as an independent, professional coach.  You have years of experience behind your back, serving many different … Read more

02/13-LeSS Talks: Co-Creator of Nexus (Richard Hundhausen) with LeSS Trainer (Greg Hutchings)

Shared Assets: To contact: Richard Hundhausen To contact: Greg Hutchings @scaleagile Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, … Read more

01/24-LeSS Talks: Experience Report: Navigating Self-Incorporated Consulting (Panel Discussion)

Additional Learning Assets: Upcoming LeSS Training Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, make sure to reference to large collection of references … Read more

01/10-LeSS Talks: Lead and Serve Others: Focus on the Team, Not Individuals, by Johanna Rothman

  Materials | Live Chat Transcript A very relevant resource: Gap Between Science and Business Additional Learning Assets: Upcoming LeSS Training Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. … Read more

LESS TALKS: Uncovering the Agile Mindset, with Heidi Araya and John Turley

   Materials Synopsis: “Agile transformations fail regularly, despite many putting their best efforts forth. And dominant focus continues to be on agile as a process, addressing the important need for an agile mindset and culture only in passing. While Agilists feel that someone’s mindset is absolutely critical to agility, the agile mindset is not actually … Read more

11/18– LESS TALKS: Why Do Transformation Fail? Coordination Chaos, by Ari Tikka and Ran Nyman

Presented by  Ari Tikka and Ran Nyman (original source) Download Materials: Upcoming LeSS Training  Additional recommended assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, … Read more


Click to enlarge We have to be careful, when applying the ancient Japanese martial art concept ShuHaRi (stages of learning to mastery), to modern corporate structures and organizational dynamics, when talking about agile: Some examples of a misuse: Laying ShuHaRi over fixed-in-scope strategic goals, while representing each phase (Shu, Ha, Ri) as a fixed-in-length time-box. … Read more