Scrum Master’s Resume To Steer Away From

Looking For Your Next Gig? Avoiding Bad Advice About Scrum Master Role. SCRUM “MINISTER” This is an anecdotal SM resume.  It is fabricated, based on real life examples of what transpires in the world of agile.  Consider this as an example of what NOT do in real life, NOT say at an interview,  NOT write … Read more

Gradual Maturation (Simplification) of Definition of Ready (DoR)

Related reading: Following FTAM By Expanding DoD VS. Becoming A Hostage To Traditional Org Structure.   Maturity of Definition of Done (DoD) has been the area of focus for many teams and organizations. Expansion (maturation) of DoD can be aligned with a Feature Team Adoption Map (FTAM), and it is covered on this page.  In … Read more

LeSS Talks: GEMBA SPRINT Go, See and Do!, with Ahmad Fahmy

Also, watch: “Introducing the Gemba Sprint” (4 min) Synopsis: If teams are self-managing, why do you need managers? This was the question that Google’s Larry page and Sergey Brin debated in 2001. Ultimately, they decided that that management was unnecessary and initiated what they called a Disorg and fired all managers. A year later, there was an intellectual … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Communicate in Code & Integrate Continuously

The following two LeSS guides for technical excellence are captured in LeSS book 1 and 2: Guide: Communicate in Code. This is the best way for developers to exchange information and understand each other’s work. Reading someone’s clean code and not having the need to be given additional interpretation of what the code means is … Read more