May 06-08: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Courses | Virtual

Class May 06-08 System modeling work in class. Note: the below graphics are not conclusive decisions or ‘best practices’. They are just an example of brainstorming, based on each teams members’ experience.       Next virtual LeSS Training: 5/20-22 Certified LeSS Basics  

05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A)

Tweet A great talk today (this is round 2), with Dave Snowden (round 1  was on 04/20), who took on some provocative and pretty powerful questions.  All points that Dave made were strong. Here is one that resonated really strong (the quote in blue below is semi-transcribed/paraphrased, starting from about 4 min 20 sec in … Read more

April 29 – May 1: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Courses | Virtual

Class April 29-May 1 System modeling work in class. Note: the below graphics are not conclusive decisions or ‘best practices’. They are just an example of brainstorming, based on each teams members’ experience. Next virtual LeSS Training: 5/06-08 Certified LeSS Basics 5/20-22 Certified LeSS Basics  

Classic Anti-Patterns During Scrum Events

Below, are some more commonly observed anti-patterns, seen in Scrum. The list in is not conclusive. Overall Sprint | Daily Scrum | Sprint Planning | PBR | Sprint Review | Retrospective During a Sprint Too many people (beyond 3-9 recommended in Scrum) consider themselves as ‘team members’.  Entire functional groups (component teams) that belong to … Read more

April 20-22 & 22-24: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Courses | Virtual

Class April 20-22 System modeling work in class. Note: the below graphics are not conclusive decisions or ‘best practices’. They are just an example of brainstorming, based on each teams members’ experience.   Class April 22-24 System modeling work in class. Note: the below graphics are not conclusive decisions or ‘best practices’. They are just … Read more

April 15-17: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Course | Virtual

Another engaging and highly interactive Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) virtual class is complete.   People attended from many corners of the map: NY, NJ, FL, MO, IL, NC, Peru, Bangladesh.  The students engaged in a highly interactive collaboration, with questions and exercises, using Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) technique, exploring the following topics: Agile Big-Bangs, Internal Contracts, Local Optimization, … Read more

Exploring the Role of the Product Owner & Scrum Master through LeSS

The role of Product Owner and Scrum Master are very clearly defined in the Scrum Guide. But the guide does talk about these two roles in a context of complex organizational settings, where products are large and many people are involved in product development. What happens then? Presentation Slides Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) has some … Read more

04/14 – LESS TALKS: CTO of JPMorgan – Sharing His Views About LeSS Experiments

An accomplished senior technology leader in the financial services industry, Al Youssef shares his views on some LeSS experiments. Play Recording below: Questions raised (copied verbatim from Zoom chat script): For enterprise projects, compare and contract LeSS vs SaFE 5.0 -Were the automated tests all functional? or did you also have performance testing? Did you … Read more

Engaging and Being Engaged as a Professional Coach – Candid Advice for Coaches & Clients

Key Takeaways There are things that coaches need to do prior to engaging with a client company Coaches need to know about challenges they might be facing while trying to engage with a company There are some practical things coaches and companies can do to set up the engagement for success Things that hiring companies … Read more

April 09-10: Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) Course | Virtual

Another engaging and highly interactive Certified LeSS Basics (CLB) virtual class is complete.   People attended from many corners of the map: UK, USA, Canada, Argentina, Spain, Kuwait, Australia.  The students engaged in a highly interactive collaboration, with questions and exercises, using Causal Loop Diagram (CLD) technique, exploring the following topics: Agile Big-Bangs, Internal Contracts, Local … Read more