05/26-28: Scrum Coaching Retreat | Kiev, Ukraine

2017 Scrum Coaching Retreat in Kiev  is in the books!!!  The event has brought together a few dozens of agile coaches and trainers from nearby and far away. The participants came from different backgrounds and focus areas but due to everyone’s extensive experience in self-organization and self-management, got the show on the road very quickly.  After … Read more

Agile Flyer – 04-09-2017

    Public Announcement: Scrum Alliance® Announces Partnership with LeSS Company   Denver, CO,— SCRUM ALLIANCE® – The news are finally out and public: On 4/7/2017, Scrum Alliance interim CEO Lisa Hershman, has announced that Scrum Alliance, most established and influential professional membership organization and certifying body in the Agile community,entered in partnership with LeSS … Read more

Applying LeSS Thinking to Basic Scrum

As per Scrum Guide, “…Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products… It [Scrum] is lightweight, easy to understand and difficult to master”.  The guide talks about basic Scrum, or Scrum by one cross-functional team that works for only one Product Owner, on one single product.  The guide also mentions situations when multiple … Read more

Challenges with Agile Training: Examples, Reasons, Consequences

Virtual networks of professional agile coaches and trainers is good place to pick up some most thoughtful and provocative agile discussions.  The most reputable networks that I know of, and happen to belong to, are the communities of: Certified Enterprise Coaches and Certified Scrum Trainers (both, from Scrum Alliance), and Candidate Large Scale Scrum Trainers … Read more

2017 Business Agility Conference – NYC

On 23-24th of February, there was the first ever 2017 – Business Agility Conference, held in NYC.  The event could be best described as “…2 days of authentic short stories and facilitated deep dives on business agility; focus on organizational design, market disruption and product innovation, agile outside IT and next-generation leadership…” (quoted from https://businessagility2017.com/) The uniqueness of this event was due its demographics, and in particular: due … Read more

Agile Flyer – 12-24-2016

  This week’s Large Scale Scrum in NYC: CLP Training and Meet-up. December 19-21. This week, there was a mind-blowing 3-day experience of system thinking and organizational design modeling with Craig Larman. Having been at wide array of Craig’s training and public presentations in the past, I was still overwhelmed with volumen of education that this … Read more

Dec 19-21, 2016. LeSS in New York: CLP Class & Meetup

December 19-21. This week, there was a mind-blowing 3-day experience of system thinking and organizational design modeling with Craig Larman.  Having been at wide array of Craig’s training and public presentations in the past, I was still overwhelmed with volume of education that this class offered.  One of the main distinctions ( imo – improvements) of … Read more

Agile Flyer – 11-24-2016

  Key Steps To Success Agile Flyer Happy Thanksgiving!!!  This week’s “Give Thanks For Scrum 2016” in Boston On Tuesday November 22, Agile Boston celebrated its 8th Anniversary, by organizing Annual Give Thanks For Scrum event. The main theme of the event was: Scrum – A Foundational Element of Major Agile Scaling Frameworks. During the … Read more

LeSS Talks: Enterprise Scrum, by Mike Beetle (Agile Manifesto Co-Signer)

This was a blasting event, with one of the co-signers of Agile Manifesto: Mike Beedle, being our honorable guest. Mike’s presentation (outlined below) was followed by comprehensive Q&A.  Some folks were wise enough to have Mike hand-sign Agile Manifesto copy 🙂 Summary of Mike’s talk: Enterprise Scrum (ES) goes much further than Technology alone.  ES … Read more