Feature Teams vs. Product Teams? Organizational Implications of False Dichotomy.

This post is an extension of an older discussion and therefore, briefly, about the history: Back in 2019, the Founder and Partner of SVPG (Silicon Valley Product Group), Marty Cagan wrote the post “Product vs. Feature Teams”, where he defined two types of teams: product and feature, and then compared-contrasted them.  He also contrasted them … Read more

Following FTAM By Expanding DoD VS. Becoming A Hostage To Traditional Org Structure

Related reading: Maturation (Simplification) of Definition of Ready (DoR)   When a team is not able to deliver a product increment (PSPI) at the end of a sprint, we should not automatically assume that its developers poorly estimated, refined or planned their work.  There could be other reasons.  In fact, there are many teams that … Read more

LeSS Talks: German Big Insurance Case Study Discussion, with Wolfgang Steffens

Case Study | Wolfgang Steffens – Author/Presenter | LinkedIn Profile Initial Questions Submitted to Wolfgang Steffens: Why in Faux (Fake) Scrum =”Scrum” with component teams, there a 1-to-1 ratio between a team and “PO”. Who and How was involved in defining Requirement Areas (RAs)? How were people chosen? Who validated that they were right people? … Read more

“What is Parallel Organization?”, with Konstantin Ribel

On Tuesday, October 12, 2021, the Twin Cities LeSS meetup (note: all past recordings of the meetup can be found here). hosted a great webinar with Konstantin Ribel – Certified Scrum Master and LeSS Trainer from Germany. The recoding and materials are below: Download materials In this webinar, Konstantin covered the following topics: The meaning … Read more