2019 Big Apple Scrum Day Coaching Clinic – Highlights

2019 Big Apple Scrum Day (BASD) was an amazing experience for many – again!  The Coaches Clinic, supported by some top notch professionals in the industry, was one of the greatest hallmarks of the event – the tradition that has been maintained for the last 5 years. 2019 Big Apple Scrum Day 2018 Big Apple … Read more

HR-Related LeSS Experiments – Deciphered

Large Scale Scrum has a history of more than a decade. The first book about LeSS was published by C. Larman and B. Vodde (the co-creators of LeSS) in 2008.  There were two more books on LeSS, subsequently written in 2010 and 2016.  There is no surprise, why the collection of LeSS experiments from the … Read more

02/07 – LESS TALKS: MEETUP – Scrum Master, F/T Role @ JPMorgan

This was an amazing performance by Erin Perry of JP Morgan –  last night, at NYC Large Scale Scrum meetup. The highest ever, record-high number of RSVP-ed people: (108) – since the meetup’s inception in, 2015. Erin spoke about the ‘guerrilla agility’ approach that she has experimented with her colleagues, while coaching the organization, without even calling it ‘agile’.  Before Erin dove … Read more

Mentor-Guided LeSS Case Study Writing Experience Report

Tweet This writing is about mentor-assisted LeSS adoption case study, written by Certified LeSS Trainer-Candidate – Gene G [MENTEE]: Certified Enterprise & Team Coach (CEC/CTC), Certified LeSS-Friendly Scrum Trainer (LFST) / LeSS-Trainer Candidate, Certified in Agile Leadership (CAL) | Certified in Scrum @Scale (CS@S) and assisted throughout by Jurgen D. S. [MENTOR]: Certified LeSS Trainer, … Read more

Prince 2 and Agile: any Relationship?

Tweet The below blogs come from some of the most reputable experts in the industry.  Please, reach out to any/each contributor directly to collect additional insight and recommendations. Experience Report by Guest- Blogger Rowan Bunning Rowan Bunning, CST and Agile Coach working for ScrumWithStyle, based in Australia, shares his extensive experience of working in environments, where … Read more

September 17-19th: Certified LeSS Practitioner Course With Bas Vodde | NYC

Experience Report by Guest-Blogger Heitor Roriz Filho I am not going to entertain your hypothetical situation” answers Bas during the LeSS training in the last three days in NYC. His modesty during answering the questions posed by participants, advanced or more basic, really struck. The strong influence from Systems Thinking brings to mind the importance of … Read more

Sept 13 -14 | 3rd Global LeSS Conference | NYC

Tweet Unforgettable 2 days at the 3rd Global LeSS Conference, at Angel Orensanz Foundation – the historical landmark in NYC. Conference Space and Our People Experience Report by Guest-Blogger Ram Srinivasan Though I have been associated with the Large Scale scrum (LeSS) community for about five years (though the “community” did not exist,  I can … Read more

May 30th-June 1st: Certified LeSS Practitioner Course With Craig Larman | NYC

Another LeSS Training (CLP) with Craig Larman is in the CompuBox.  This highly engaging training brought together 35 attendees from all over the globe.  One of the attendees was Chet Hendrikson.  A bit about Chet: Chet has been involved with Agile Software Development since 1996 and is the first signatory to the Agile Manifesto. Along with his … Read more