Quotes from: Implementing Beyond Budgeting: Unlocking the Performance Potential, by Bjarte Bogsnes

Bjarte Bogsnes (left) has a long international career, both in Finance and HR. He is currently heading up the Beyond Budgeting implementation at Statoil, Scandinavia’s largest company with operations in 36 countries and a turnover of 130 bn USD. On Fortune 500, the company was recently ranked #1 on Social responsibility and #7 on Innovation. Transparency … Read more

July 7-8: Certified Scrum Product Owner Course with ScrumInc

On July 7th and 8th, in New York, there was Certified Scrum Product Owner Course delivered by two co-trainers:  Avi Schenier, representing Jeff Sutherland’s company ScrumInc  and Robin Dymon, CST from Innovel. The class (size of about two scrum teams) was engaged in heated discussions, practical exercises and games.   I had the honor of attending and participating in the course and was … Read more

Managing Performance by Extrinsic “Motivation”

“The idea of a merit rating is alluring. The sound of the words captivates the imagination: pay for what you get; get what you pay for; motivate people to do their best, for their own good. The effect is exactly the opposite of what the words promise.” -Edward Deming, “Out of Crisis” This article took … Read more

SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe?

Tweet IMPORTANT: >>> References (bottom of page) Some time ago, there was a webinar recorded by VersionOne: How to use SAFe® to Deliver Value at Enterprise Scale Q&A Discussion with Dean Leffingwell).   If you fast-forward to about 23 min, 20 seconds into the recording, you will hear the following statement: “…We don’t typically mess with your organizational structure because … Read more

From LeSS Toolbox: Causal Loop Diagrams to visualize System Dynamics

Introduction: When it comes to scaling, there is a common misconception that “bigger always means better”.  This misconception is also traceable to agile arena, where companies look for ways to expand their agile practices beyond a single organizational domain (e.g. many teams, numerous departments, multiple lines of business, etc.).  Usually, it is an existing (inherited) … Read more


Please, join Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) Meet-Up group in NYC


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March 29th -LeSS Talks: Agility at Scale: Component vs. Feature Teams in LeSS

Thanks to everyone who joined the event and participated. Some great and challenging questions!  Some Kodak moments are below.  Apologies for having most of images facing the wall, next time we shall have more facing our great audience :).   https://www.meetup.com/Large-Scale-Scrum-LeSS-in-NYC/events/229733065/   https://www.meetup.com/New-York-Adventures-with-Agile/events/229733284/  

“How to make your teams faster” – with Dr Jeff Sutherland & Scrum Inc

Last night, Dr. Jeff Sutherland, the co-creator of Scrum and CEO of Scrum Inc., gave an energizing presentation of the Bank of Mellon NY. The following topics were covered: How to make your teams faster The competitive secrets behind high-performing organizations How to create value that wins using the Power of Disruptive Leadership. If you … Read more

How Long Should my Sprints be?

Author: Ram Srinivasan When organizations are adopting Scrum, they are always confronted with how long their Sprints should be. Scrum merely provides guidelines that Sprints can be anywhere from 1 week to 4 weeks long. The Sprint is a feedback loop, providing an opportunity for the  stakeholders and the Scrum Team to Inspect and Adapt (the product, and the … Read more