From Maximum Busy-Ness to Maximum Learning, with Esther Derby & Johanna Rothman

Additional Assets: From Johanna Rothman Behind Closed Doors: Secrets of Great Management The Modern Management Made Easy Resource efficiency thinking vs. flow efficiency About cycle time From Esther Derby Podcast YouTube channel Questions Asked & Answered In our organization, there is a lot of emphasis on speed of delivery, efficiency and productivity.  Line managers believe … Read more

LeSS Adoption Preparation References

Tweet LeSS Training Deck (available only to LeSS class ex-students) LeSS Adoption Journey Map LeSS Product Definition & Expansion Worksheet Virtual Events in LeSS (Tips & Tricks) System Modelling Exercises (with Solutions) The Complete Picture of LeSS (LeSS “Onion”) Feature Team Primer Agile Contracts Primer Product Definition, DoD & Team ‘Blueprint’ Class Exercise LeSS Game: … Read more

LeSS Talks: May 22: Darwin Theory of Agile Coaching Evolution, with Ron Whitebread

Tweet Learn how one company iterated on their coaching approach – from experimentation to big consulting “transformation” to systems thinking enablement (transitioning from being supported by one of Big 5 consultancy companies, with their “push agile” model,  to a reputable, boutique agile coaching and training company) – to become more effective in achieving desired outcomes, … Read more

04/11 – LeSS Talks: Branching Strategy and CI/CD in Agile Development, with Thierry de Pauw

Tweet Materials | Speaker’s Site Main Take-away Points: “Developing in isolation can help an individual go faster but it does not help a team go faster. Merge time and rework cannot be estimated and will vary wildly, and the team can only go as fast as the slowest merge.” – Steve Smith “A spike solution … Read more

02/27 – LeSS Talks: Facilitating LeSS events virtually (using Miro, Mural)

Tweet Facilitating LeSS events virtually (Ideas, Tips & Tricks) Tools and platforms shared in the session: Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: … Read more

LeSS and SAFe: Understanding The Differences

[Cross-posted by Scrum Alliance] History & Origins Market Share, Framework Versioning and Certifications Influence by Large Consultancies Business Partnership with Tooling Companies Framework ‘Size’ and Traditional Organizational Design Team Structure and Coordination Backlogs and Product Centricity Product Ownership Proximity of Customers, Users and Stakeholders Integration and Release Management Agile Leadership and Frameworks Conclusion & References History … Read more

02/13-LeSS Talks: Co-Creator of Nexus (Richard Hundhausen) with LeSS Trainer (Greg Hutchings)

Shared Assets: To contact: Richard Hundhausen To contact: Greg Hutchings @scaleagile Additional Self-Study Assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, … Read more

Use of Velocity in Complex Organizational Settings

LeSS Scrum Master David Nielsen and I have discussed system dynamics in complex organizational settings, with respect to Velocity, produced by a single team and/or multiple teams.  We did only one cut (no dress rehearsals, dry runs or editing). The following system variables were identified and their cause & effect relationship was ‘unpacked’: Ability to … Read more

12/13-LeSS Talks: Case study about a LeSS adoption in Business Lending, by Cesario Ramos

Materials | Chat Script

Some of you may have seen this publication a few years ago, by Cesario Ramos: “… [Company] improves on the so-called Spotify Model using LeSS” that shined some light, from the inside, on what really took place.
[NB: As many people probably know, “Big Bank Spotify Model” success stories are being used by many large consultancies and companies that followed the advice]. Please, read about it:


“How do we use LeSS to further optimize the Spotify model; How to tackle scaling challenges with less. We will share our experiments, mistakes, and learning we got from adopting LeSS in a cross-border, dispersed team setting without Continuous Integration.”

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12/06-LeSS Talks: US Army’s Intelligence Staff Director COL Candice Frost on Crisis & Leadership

Colonel Candice Frost: Web site:  LinkedIn page: Synopsis: An 80% solution on time is far better than a 100% solution late Defining Problem Statement Demonstrating a desire to create change Providing a clear Vision into the Future Leading by Example Clearing Paths to Achieve a Common Goal Changing is Constant Building Strong Relationships … Read more