LeSS Talks: Designing Agile Ecosystems with Org Topologies, by A. Krivitsky & R. Flemm

Download Materials Synopsis: The legacy of the original lightweight barely sufficient Agile ideas (namely XP and Scrum) has been impeded by the difficulties of applying them beyond a single team without losing the key principles and the promised gains. ​ Over the last decade, that challenge has led to a rose in heavy-weight methods, especially … Read more

LeSS Talks: Maximizing Dependencies with Interdependent Teams, with Bas Vodde

Download Materials Why would we want maximize dependencies?  Why would we intentionally create a situation when one team is dependent on another team? Is not it exactly what we wish to avoid, for the sake of reducing an overhead of dependency management, local optimization and bureaucracy?  YES.  TRUE. However this is mainly true about asynchronous … Read more

LeSS Talks: GLAD Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Organizational Design with Craig Larman

Synopsis: AI & Org Design: AI tools are going to disrupt many existing knowledge-worker roles, including those in product development. This talk and follow-up Q&A explores probable impacts AI will have on the organizational design of development organizations, and will be of interest to those working in and managing development, plus HR/People groups. Download materials

LeSS Talks: Professor Snowden, Answering Tough Questions For: Individuals, Companies, Industry

This topic was based on the questions, crowdsourced from the audience, for Professor Snowden. The questions covered: Complexity management vs. complexity reduction. This jives so much with dependency management vs. dependency reduction. Companies tend to skillfully MANAGE complexity and dependencies, with more tools, processes and processors, as opposed to reducing them. Any thoughts on this? … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Communicate in Code & Integrate Continuously

The following two LeSS guides for technical excellence are captured in LeSS book 1 and 2: Guide: Communicate in Code. This is the best way for developers to exchange information and understand each other’s work. Reading someone’s clean code and not having the need to be given additional interpretation of what the code means is … Read more