LeSS with Gene and James: Communicate in Code & Integrate Continuously

The following two LeSS guides for technical excellence are captured in LeSS book 1 and 2: Guide: Communicate in Code. This is the best way for developers to exchange information and understand each other’s work. Reading someone’s clean code and not having the need to be given additional interpretation of what the code means is … Read more

LeSS Talks: Internal [Unintentional] Distortions of LeSS

Download Materials In this discussion we spoke about some most common distortions of Large Scale Scrum (LeSS & LeSS Huge), seen within organizations, when LeSS terminology was applied, internally, without deep understanding of its meaning.  We also focused on systemic implications of such misuse and omissions. The following was discussed: Multiple Component (or even Feature/Product … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Navigating the LeSS Complete Picture

Synopsis: How to embrace and digest the entire body of knowledge that Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) offers? How to understand what is foundational, what is minimally required and what is optional? There is an image on less.works site that graphically illustrates LeSS Principles, Frameworks (Rules), Guides & Experiments. However, how the aforementioned relate to one … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Focusing on Fundamentals. Reducing “Second Market” Frameworks.

Summary: Why do we need more fancy frameworks? Why not re-focus on having small successes with good-n-old fundamentals? The history of Agile Manifesto (AM) and Scrum has 20+ years. Yet, the % of companies that are consistent with basic principles of AM that can demonstrate rudimentary success with Scrum is still very low. These are … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Internal [Unintentional] Distortions of LeSS

Multiple Component (or even Feature/Product Teams) Teams, sprinting concurrently != LeSS Is this and attempt to scale? This is copy-pasting, at best. If different products are involved, why same sprinting schedule matters? If teams build the same product but do not share a backlog/PO – what is the benefit of concurrency? Is this just a … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: Selecting a LeSS Trainer

Has your organization decided that it no longer wishes to be fooled by the “Agile Theater” that peppers tens of thousands of people with shallow, superficial and fake changes? Do you feel that you wish to improve your organizational design more systemically, by bringing delivery people closer to users/stakeholders/customers, while reducing redundant org layers? Great! … Read more

Nov 15-17: Certified LeSS For Executives with Craig Larman | NYC

3 days of deep insights, system thinking, reflections, discovering and owning the system we operate within! Thank you Gene Gendel for the recommendation!  3 days with Craig Larman were thought provoking, deep, and inspiring! Read the complete Linked post by Elena Aminova   “To the wall” is something you’ll hear a lot from Craig Larman when you take … Read more

Lunch & Learn @ Large Bank: LeSS Overview & Q&A

  Connect with Gene Download materials Feature Teams vs. Product Teams? Organizational Implications of False Dichotomy LeSS and SAFe: Understanding The Differences LeSS ‘Getting Started’ steps Product Discovery & Definition Workshop (download free templates) Virtual Events(Tips & Tricks)  Self-Assessments Upcoming LeSS training You Get What you Ask For: Agile Coaches-“Centaurs” (about coaching & coaches) Global … Read more

LeSS with Gene and James: From Component Teams to Feature Teams

Two Certified LeSS Coaches and Trainers (Gene Gendel and James Carpenter) have exchanged the ideas on the subject “From Component Teams to Feature Teams: Slow Expansion vs. All At Once From Start”.  The whole recording is about 15 minutes long. If you are interested in LeSS training with James and/or Gene, please bookmark this page. … Read more