Agile Flyer – 03-25-2017

From Connect with a Certified Coach for Online Coaching! (re-published from Scrum Alliance newsletter) CHALLENGES WITH AGILE TRAINING: EXAMPLES, REASONS, CONSEQUENCES Virtual networks of professional agile coaches and trainers is good place to pick up some most thoughtful and provocative agile discussions. The most reputable networks that I know of, and happen to belong … Read more

Agile Flyer – 03-18-2017

Note: This week, a few hundred of people have subscribed to Agile Flyer! Welcome Everyone!!! To bring them all up-to-speed, some information below is summarized from previous releases. If you would like to read previous Agile Flyer releases, please click here From Connect with a Certified Coach for Online Coaching! (re-published from Scrum Alliance … Read more

2017 Business Agility Conference – NYC

On 23-24th of February, there was the first ever 2017 – Business Agility Conference, held in NYC.  The event could be best described as “…2 days of authentic short stories and facilitated deep dives on business agility; focus on organizational design, market disruption and product innovation, agile outside IT and next-generation leadership…” (quoted from The uniqueness of this event was due its demographics, and in particular: due … Read more

Agile Flyer – 12-24-2016

  This week’s Large Scale Scrum in NYC: CLP Training and Meet-up. December 19-21. This week, there was a mind-blowing 3-day experience of system thinking and organizational design modeling with Craig Larman. Having been at wide array of Craig’s training and public presentations in the past, I was still overwhelmed with volumen of education that this … Read more

Dec 19-21, 2016. LeSS in New York: CLP Class & Meetup

December 19-21. This week, there was a mind-blowing 3-day experience of system thinking and organizational design modeling with Craig Larman.  Having been at wide array of Craig’s training and public presentations in the past, I was still overwhelmed with volume of education that this class offered.  One of the main distinctions ( imo – improvements) of … Read more

Agile Flyer – 12-04-2016

Key Steps To Success Agile Flyer Reminder: Few seats remaining in Certified Large Scale Scrum NYC | (December 19-21) This week’s Certified Agile Leaderhip Workshop in Orlando This was an amazing two and a half-day working session, with participation of organizational leaders and enterprise coaches coming together from different parts of the world: Sweden, Costa Rica … Read more

Agile Flyer – 12-04-2016

  If you’re having trouble viewing this email, you may see it online. To subscribe to this distribution, please email to:   Reminder: Few seats remaining in Certified Large Scale Scrum (December 19-21) This week’s Certified Agile Leaderhip Workshop in Orlando This was an amazing two and a half-day working session, with participation of … Read more

11/30-12/2 – Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) Class in Orlando

This was an amazing two and a half-day working session, with participation of organizational leaders and enterprise coaches coming together from different parts of the world: Sweden, Costa Rica and USA. One of the co-creators of Certified Agile Leadership (CAL) course – Pete Behrens took the mixed group, consisting of managers and coaches through a very engaging training … Read more

Agile Flyer – 11-24-2016

  Key Steps To Success Agile Flyer Happy Thanksgiving!!!  This week’s “Give Thanks For Scrum 2016” in Boston On Tuesday November 22, Agile Boston celebrated its 8th Anniversary, by organizing Annual Give Thanks For Scrum event. The main theme of the event was: Scrum – A Foundational Element of Major Agile Scaling Frameworks. During the … Read more