05/26-28: Scrum Coaching Retreat | Kiev, Ukraine

2017 Scrum Coaching Retreat in Kiev  is in the books!!!  The event has brought together a few dozens of agile coaches and trainers from nearby and far away. The participants came from different backgrounds and focus areas but due to everyone’s extensive experience in self-organization and self-management, got the show on the road very quickly.  After … Read more

2017 Agile Maine Day Recap

The 2017 Agile Maine Day event is in the books.  Great event organization. Great energizing crowd. Amazing presenters and speakers. Below are the summaries of two selected presentations, whose themes were mostly relevant to System Thinking and System Design: Don Macintyre’s topic “Agile Leadership” was about Radical Management (Steve Denning’s teaching) and covered: Shifting focus from making money … Read more

2017 Big Apple Scrum Day: Coaching Clinic

The Third Annual BASD (2017) event is in the books.  27 people have been served by the coaches, whose cumulative experience and depth of knowledge were just immense.  Many thanks to Zuzka Sochova, Kim Brainard, Bob Galen, David Liebman and Jim York for making this happen.  This event had the largest every presence of Certified Enterprise Coaches … Read more

Agile Flyer – 03-18-2017

Note: This week, a few hundred of people have subscribed to Agile Flyer! Welcome Everyone!!! To bring them all up-to-speed, some information below is summarized from previous releases. If you would like to read previous Agile Flyer releases, please click here From www.ScrumAlliance.org Connect with a Certified Coach for Online Coaching! (re-published from Scrum Alliance … Read more

2017 Business Agility Conference – NYC

On 23-24th of February, there was the first ever 2017 – Business Agility Conference, held in NYC.  The event could be best described as “…2 days of authentic short stories and facilitated deep dives on business agility; focus on organizational design, market disruption and product innovation, agile outside IT and next-generation leadership…” (quoted from https://businessagility2017.com/) The uniqueness of this event was due its demographics, and in particular: due … Read more

September 13 – LeSS Talks: LeSS Conference in Amsterdam: Lessons Learned

Many thanks to Certified LeSS Practitioner Vicky Morgan for spearheading today’s meet-up and sharing with everyone her experience from LeSS Conference in Amsterdam a few weeks ago (also, please review Vicky’s summary of the conference on this page) Below are some Kodak moments from last night’s event:

2016 Big Apple Scrum Day Coaching Clinic | NYC

Tweet 30 people were served at NYC Scrum User Event – Coaching Clinic!!!  Lots of fun and interesting discussions. Questions & Discussion Topics with Coaches: “Removing the noise” Growing agile advisory practice Picking up after failed agile transformations Transition from waterfall to agile Scrum at enterprise organization Scrumming in agency setting How to get good practice … Read more

April 16 – LeSS Talks: Discovery of System Relationships with Causal Loop Diagrams

Weinberg-Brooks’ Law “More software projects have gone awry from management’s taking action based on incorrect system models than for all other causes combined.”   (Source: https://less.works/less/principles/systems_thinking.html) Today’s session was about Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD).  You may read more about CLDs here.  We discovered why the behavior of a large development group (a system) not understood or … Read more