Thoughts by Rick Waters, CST

Rick Waters is a Business Agility Coach and Trainer, from Chicago, with more than 15 years of technical software development experience, and almost 10 years of Agile leadership experience.  Rick primarily trains Scrum, Enterprise Scrum Business Agility, and Kanban. This is what Rick wrote, in support of the recently released book by Gene Gendel (Adaptive … Read more

07/30 – LESS TALKS: Real life “war story” of LeSS adoption at Large Financial Institution – Continued

This was the second great presentation by Gordon Weir who delivered part-2 of his “Real life “war story” of LeSS adoption at Large Financial Institution” at NYC Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) meetup. Please download Gordon’s Presentation (light on context, with very rich story behind) This time, the event was made available globally, by using Nureva … Read more

Why Is LeSS Authentic? Why Should Leadership NOT Exempt Itself from Learning LeSS?

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) is an agile framework that has a history of implementations, trials & errors, experiments and experience reports collected and documented throughout more than a decade. LeSS is Scrum, performed by multiple teams (2-8) that work on the same widely defined product, for the same Product Owner. LeSS stresses the importance of … Read more

May 19-22: Global Scrum Alliance Gathering | AUS-TX

An amazing 2019 Global Scrum Alliance Gathering (May 19-22), organized by SA staff that brought together a record-high number of professionals from around the globe and had countless amazing events – too many to describe them all in one newsletter. 🙂 Here, I would like to  recap what committed to my memory the most: Keynote … Read more

2019 Big Apple Scrum Day Coaching Clinic – Highlights

2019 Big Apple Scrum Day (BASD) was an amazing experience for many – again!  The Coaches Clinic, supported by some top notch professionals in the industry, was one of the greatest hallmarks of the event – the tradition that has been maintained for the last 5 years. 2019 Big Apple Scrum Day 2018 Big Apple … Read more


This page is being gradually developed towards May, 2019 Big Apple Scrum Day Coaching Clinic. For similar past events please visit: 2018 Big Apple Scrum Day 2017 Big Apple Scrum Day 2016 Big Apple Scrum Day Below are some basic guidelines for participating coaches on how to run a coaching clinic during Big Apple Scrum Day.  Experience … Read more

02/07 – LESS TALKS: MEETUP – Scrum Master, F/T Role @ JPMorgan

This was an amazing performance by Erin Perry of JP Morgan –  last night, at NYC Large Scale Scrum meetup. The highest ever, record-high number of RSVP-ed people: (108) – since the meetup’s inception in, 2015. Erin spoke about the ‘guerrilla agility’ approach that she has experimented with her colleagues, while coaching the organization, without even calling it ‘agile’.  Before Erin dove … Read more

September 17-19th: Certified LeSS Practitioner Course With Bas Vodde | NYC

Experience Report by Guest-Blogger Heitor Roriz Filho I am not going to entertain your hypothetical situation” answers Bas during the LeSS training in the last three days in NYC. His modesty during answering the questions posed by participants, advanced or more basic, really struck. The strong influence from Systems Thinking brings to mind the importance of … Read more