Some Best Coaches May Face Some Biggest Challenges. Why?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation, where you feel that you have so much great value to bring to your potential client, that you are so much better than anyone else they may have considered for the role so far …. yet, a client is hesitant to bring you in. Why?  First, You … Read more

03/03 – LESS TALKS: Meet Ron Jeffries & Chet Hendrickson @ LeSS NYC (‘Dark Scrum’ and more…)

Tweet First and most importantly: Ron Jeffries and Chet Hendrickson are long time friends and colleagues who both had a huge impact on what defines AGILITY. About Ron: Ron Jeffries is author of Extreme Programming Adventures in C#, the senior author of Extreme Programming Installed, and was the on-site XP coach for the original Extreme … Read more

02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell

Recently, Evan  Campbell wrote an article on SolustionsIQ site: The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste.  It resonated strongly with  many people. This LinkedIn feed alone attracted more than 23,000 viewers and it is growing. On February 27, Evan was a guest-speaker at Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) meetup of NYC, answering questions about his views and … Read more

Discussion of Two Agile Coaches (Erin Perry & Gene Gendel): Uncomfortable Topics Addressed

Tweet Erin Perry and Gene Gendel (his site) have known each other for almost a decade through past work and continuous networking.  They both had agreed to have a candid talk about some of their personal work experiences.  The whole recording is about 35 minutes. But there is no fluff. This is slides-free dialogue of two … Read more

02/18 – LESS TALKS: Tsvi Gal, CIO/CTO @ multiple Fin-Techs: sharing experiences about organizational agility

Tweet Tsvi Gal is an accomplished technology business leader, the winner of the Einstein Award for technology excellence.  Tsvi had served as CTO and CIO at a number of large enterprises: Morgan Stanley, Bridgewater Associates, Deutsche Bank Investment Banking, Time Warner Music Group and other companies.  Tsvi has extensive experience in technology and operations, mostly … Read more

02/11 – LESS TALKS: Nicolas M. Chaillan, US Air Force Chief Software Officer On Technology Agility, Scaling and More

On February 11, 2020, NYC Large Scale Scrum (LeSS) meetup was honored to host the event for a special guest-speaker Nicolas Chaillan – the first Air Force Chief Software Officer.  Nicolas is also the co-lead for the Department of Defense Enterprise DevSecOps Initiative with the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer. His full bio is available … Read more

Run This Method Through Organizational Compiler

Tweet Running this method through an “organizational compiler” may improve health of your organization: (variables are “globally declared” and clickable hyperlinks. You can pass any arguments to this method, as long as they are valid arguments 🙂 ) public class LegacyOrganizationalEcosystem { public static void main(String[] args){ if((agile_framework == this_framework{  System.out.println (“Simplify your organisation. Try … Read more

About Contracts That Support Agile Ways of Working

Tweet One of a few under-served (ignored) dimensions of agile transformations that frequently limit chances for success is vendor management – and it can be traced back to legal contracts between a client company and supplier/vendor. Vendor management norms and guidelines define relationships and interaction between a company’s own employees and external workers, individually and … Read more

Thoughts by Rick Waters, CST

Rick Waters is a Business Agility Coach and Trainer, from Chicago, with more than 15 years of technical software development experience, and almost 10 years of Agile leadership experience.  Rick primarily trains Scrum, Enterprise Scrum Business Agility, and Kanban. This is what Rick wrote, in support of the recently released book by Gene Gendel (Adaptive … Read more

Guidelines to hiring a professional Coach

Let’s face it, today, finding an experienced and credible agile coach, is not easy.  If you disagree with this statement, you are either very lucky and have special access to some great talent (e.g. referrals or networking) OR …..your perception of the role may need to change. There is no need to be ashamed of … Read more