01/24-LeSS Talks: Experience Report: Navigating Self-Incorporated Consulting

Recording – TBD Optional Pre-Read for this event.   Additional recommended assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, make sure to reference to large … Read more

12/06-LeSS Talks: US Army’s Intelligence Staff Director COL Candice Frost on Crisis & Leadership

Colonel Candice Frost: Web site: https://colonelcandid.com/  LinkedIn page: https://www.linkedin.com/in/candicefrost1776/ Synopsis: An 80% solution on time is far better than a 100% solution late Defining Problem Statement Demonstrating a desire to create change Providing a clear Vision into the Future Leading by Example Clearing Paths to Achieve a Common Goal Changing is Constant Building Strong Relationships … Read more

LESS TALKS: Uncovering the Agile Mindset, with Heidi Araya and John Turley

   Materials Synopsis: “Agile transformations fail regularly, despite many putting their best efforts forth. And dominant focus continues to be on agile as a process, addressing the important need for an agile mindset and culture only in passing. While Agilists feel that someone’s mindset is absolutely critical to agility, the agile mindset is not actually … Read more

LeSS Trainer’s Class Experience Report: Product Definition, DoD & Team ‘Blueprint’ Exercise

LeSS Adoption Journey Map | LeSS Product Expansion Worksheet Virtual Events in LeSS | System Modelling Exercises | LeSS “Onion” Feature Team Primer | Agile Contracts Primer This summary, is an experience report from the recently conducted online LeSS class (provisional CLP).  Specifically, this writing is about a few discussion topics, accompanied by in-class exercises … Read more


Click to enlarge We have to be careful, when applying the ancient Japanese martial art concept ShuHaRi (stages of learning to mastery), to modern corporate structures and organizational dynamics, when talking about agile: Some examples of a misuse: Laying ShuHaRi over fixed-in-scope strategic goals, while representing each phase (Shu, Ha, Ri) as a fixed-in-length time-box. … Read more

Exposing Invisible Organizational Dynamics w/System Thinking & Modelling @ Agile KC

  Please note: all system models are conditional and not conclusive.  We model a system to have a conversation. Upcoming LeSS Training  Additional recommended assets: Understanding Root Causes of Command & Control Behavior through System Modelling (CLD) Understanding Scrum Roles through System Modelling (CLD) 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 … Read more

Word Play, Masquerades and Omissions with Scaling. Any Alternatives?

  Presentation Materials Upcoming LeSS Training  Additional recommended assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the recipe? (please, make sure to reference to large collection of references … Read more

My CEC and CTC Journey

(Re-posted on LinkedIn | Scrum Alliance) This writing is way past overdue. I have been putting this off for, at least, a few years. But it is better later than never?. Today, I would like to share my (this is Gene) personal journey of becoming a Certified Enterprise (CEC) and Team (CTC) coach. About the … Read more

10/13– LESS TALKS: System Modelling of HR-Related “Nuances”

  “Bad SQL” for HR Broad & Shallow != Deep & Narrow   Upcoming LeSS Training  Additional recommended assets: 05/05 – LESS TALKS: Dave Snowden: Answering Tough Questions (Q&A) 02/27 – LESS TALKS: Q & A on “The Spotify “Model”: Don’t Simply Copy-Paste”, with Evan Campbell SAFe: Market Share Increase. Rapid Growth. What is the … Read more

OKR: Narrowing The Gap Between “O” and “KR”

Original Post OKRs (Objectives & Key Results) – they could be your best friend or your worst enemy. Albert Einstein once wrote on a blackboard: “Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts. [source]” This usually applies to things that people like to measure. But what does this … Read more