Scrum Master’s Resume To Steer Away From

Looking For Your Next Gig? Avoiding Bad Advice About Scrum Master Role. SCRUM “MINISTER” This is an anecdotal SM resume.  It is fabricated, based on real life examples of what transpires in the world of agile.  Consider this as an example of what NOT do in real life, NOT say at an interview,  NOT write … Read more

Important Organizational Enablers of Deep Systemic Improvements (e.g. LeSS Adoption)

Many people are familiar with the complete picture of Large Scale (LeSS) that describes LeSS Principles, Rules, Guides and Experiments. This graphic illustrates how the above are all related to each other, and is referred to as “LeSS onion”, because its concentric circles. In sum, there are ten LeSS Principles, based on which, there are … Read more

LeSS Talks: Agile Sustainability, with Jutta Eckstein

Download Materials Additional Assets and Resources: Juta’s latest book: Sign and support: The full assessment: The sustainability initiative: