FINALLY!!! “Agile Maturity Calculator” Has Arrived

(click on the image to enlarge) Finally!!! – The magic formula to calculate AGILE MATURITY  LEVEL has arrived!  All we have to do, is to plug vanity metrics that we can easily collect throughout our organization – and the job is done: agility is measured! Unfortunately, NOT…So many companies tirelessly chase *measurable outcomes*, OKRs, KPIs, … Read more

Feature Teams vs. Product Teams? Organizational Implications of False Dichotomy.

This post is an extension of an older discussion and therefore, briefly, about the history: Back in 2019, the Founder and Partner of SVPG (Silicon Valley Product Group), Marty Cagan wrote the post “Product vs. Feature Teams”, where he defined two types of teams: product and feature, and then compared-contrasted them.  He also contrasted them … Read more

Following FTAM By Expanding DoD VS. Becoming A Hostage To Traditional Org Structure

Related reading: Maturation (Simplification) of Definition of Ready (DoR)   When a team is not able to deliver a product increment (PSPI) at the end of a sprint, we should not automatically assume that its developers poorly estimated, refined or planned their work.  There could be other reasons.  In fact, there are many teams that … Read more

LeSS Talks: October 10: Experienced Coaches Share Their Learning Journey & Perspective

The great panel of experienced coaches came together to answer the following questions: What is the most memorable part of your coaching journey? Why did you choose to pursue CEC, CTC in the first place? What was your motivation? To what extent did CTC (or CEC, respectively) process make you challenge your self-perception, as a … Read more