Bad Choice of Verbs Associated with “Agile”, by EFL People

Tweet These days, almost everyone knows that organizations cannot “do” agile; they can “be” agile.  And today, this contrast is used not just by agile coaches and scrum masters.   Everyone likes building this fancy figure of speech in their daily lexicon: managers, analysts, developers.  Great!!!  Below is a snippet from Wikipedia, defining the word … Read more

05/26-28: Scrum Coaching Retreat | Kiev, Ukraine

2017 Scrum Coaching Retreat in Kiev  is in the books!!!  The event has brought together a few dozens of agile coaches and trainers from nearby and far away. The participants came from different backgrounds and focus areas but due to everyone’s extensive experience in self-organization and self-management, got the show on the road very quickly.  After … Read more

Sprint Length: Who Decides? How? Why?

What is the best Sprint length?  Who decides on Sprint length? Are there any exceptions?  What are some of the most common mistakes people make, when making decisions about Sprint length? Let’s start from grassroots and answer the following basic question: “What is Sprint main goal?”  And while looking for an answer, let’s refer to … Read more

Are there better ways to teach?

Whether you are a high school teacher, a college professor or professional training instructor you probably always look for ways to increase value you bring to a classroom and some of the questions you might be asking yourself are:  “how to enrich students’ in-class experience?”, “how to ensure information retention by students?” and “how t … Read more

2017 Agile Maine Day Recap

The 2017 Agile Maine Day event is in the books.  Great event organization. Great energizing crowd. Amazing presenters and speakers. Below are the summaries of two selected presentations, whose themes were mostly relevant to System Thinking and System Design: Don Macintyre’s topic “Agile Leadership” was about Radical Management (Steve Denning’s teaching) and covered: Shifting focus from making money … Read more

2017 Big Apple Scrum Day: Coaching Clinic

The Third Annual BASD (2017) event is in the books.  27 people have been served by the coaches, whose cumulative experience and depth of knowledge were just immense.  Many thanks to Zuzka Sochova, Kim Brainard, Bob Galen, David Liebman and Jim York for making this happen.  This event had the largest every presence of Certified Enterprise Coaches … Read more

Agile Flyer – 04-09-2017

    Public Announcement: Scrum Alliance® Announces Partnership with LeSS Company   Denver, CO,— SCRUM ALLIANCE® – The news are finally out and public: On 4/7/2017, Scrum Alliance interim CEO Lisa Hershman, has announced that Scrum Alliance, most established and influential professional membership organization and certifying body in the Agile community,entered in partnership with LeSS … Read more

Applying LeSS Thinking to Basic Scrum

As per Scrum Guide, “…Scrum is a framework for developing and sustaining complex products… It [Scrum] is lightweight, easy to understand and difficult to master”.  The guide talks about basic Scrum, or Scrum by one cross-functional team that works for only one Product Owner, on one single product.  The guide also mentions situations when multiple … Read more

Agile Flyer – 03-25-2017

From Connect with a Certified Coach for Online Coaching! (re-published from Scrum Alliance newsletter) CHALLENGES WITH AGILE TRAINING: EXAMPLES, REASONS, CONSEQUENCES Virtual networks of professional agile coaches and trainers is good place to pick up some most thoughtful and provocative agile discussions. The most reputable networks that I know of, and happen to belong … Read more