Interview with Michael James (MJ): Scrum Master Checklist Author

Click to Play Recording Click to Play Recording   References from Michael James (MJ): Sprint Retrospective e-learning (free) The Skilled Facilitator by Roger Schwarz Group Genius by Keith Sawyer Nonviolent Communication by Marshall Roseberg Product Owner Misconception comic book Contact MJ for printed versions of the comic book  

LeSS Talks: Agile Sustainability, with Jutta Eckstein

Download Materials Additional Assets and Resources: Juta’s latest book: Sign and support: The full assessment: The sustainability initiative:

Dec 11-13: Certified LeSS For Executives with Craig Larman | NYC

2024 course registration will open soon: RSVP to reserve a seat Class Feedback: From Lance Rochelle: Optimizing Executive Performance: The Transformative Power of Craig Larman’s Certified LeSS for Executives. Drawing on my extensive experience as a Distinguished Engineer with nearly three decades in software development and engineering, I’ve encountered numerous executive training programs. Among them, Craig … Read more

LeSS Talks: Designing Agile Ecosystems with Org Topologies, by A. Krivitsky & R. Flemm

Download Materials Synopsis: The legacy of the original lightweight barely sufficient Agile ideas (namely XP and Scrum) has been impeded by the difficulties of applying them beyond a single team without losing the key principles and the promised gains. ​ Over the last decade, that challenge has led to a rose in heavy-weight methods, especially … Read more