A great opportunity to present to two Ireland meetups, at once:
Agile Lean Ireland and Agile Beer. More than 150 people joined, with many great questions.
Agile Lean Ireland and Agile Beer. More than 150 people joined, with many great questions.
Although LeSS is a scaling framework, in reality it requires organizational de-scaling. It is also, organizational design framework that helps to address core elements of organizational design: HR policies, finance/budgeting, vendor management, site strategies – areas that are not too comfortable for many companies to address.
System and Lean thinking drive understanding of LeSS.
LeSS is not about: ‘best practices’, maturity metrics, RAGs, KPIs, tools, and operating models.
LeSS 3 adoption principles are:
1. Deep and Narrow (not broad and shallow)
2. Top – Bottom + Bottom – Up.
3. By Volunteering only