Practice What You Preach – Coach & Trainer Wants to Play Product/Manager Owner Role

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I have spent more than 20 years of my career training and coaching agile, Scrum and Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), to hundreds of teams and thousands of team members.  I have upskilled hundreds Scrum Masters and Product Owners.  Many of my students were also certified by me.

Many senior executives have received my personal guidance and consulting on:

  • how to shift from project/program-centric organizations to product-centric organizations
  • how to improve HR and budgeting processes to ensure better organizational agility
  • how to improve time to market and business resilience
Today, I want to run my personal ‘LEADING BY EXAMPLE’ experiment:
I want to pursue the role of a Product Owner/Product Manager with any organization that is interested in maintaining and promoting top quality product ownership, from within.  This is one of the ‘weakest areas’ in agile adoptions.

If I assume the role of a product owner /product manager role, not only will I be able to lead by example and help other people, in the same role, perform their functions better, I can also take on the responsibility of delivering Product Discovery & Business Agility Workshop to the rest of an organization.

In a long run, this could also save companies a lot of money and spare them from frustration of dealing with ineffective, watered-down coaching and deck-driven-training.

If your company (e.g. revenue center/business unit/LOB) is interested in this experiment (btw, it could become a permanent solution), please reach out directly.

This could be very fruitful and full of fun journey!

As a disclaimer, my personal standing advice has always been: “Do not hire Product Owners.  Instead, select appropriate internal people to assume this critical role“. Why? Because, PO/PM skills could be learned relatively fast, whereas proper organizational empowerment and business knowledge – is a much tougher journey and it is best if someone with an established organizational position assumes the role.  However, majority of companies have not done a great job of properly selecting and empowering POs/PMs, by giving it to BAs-“team-level PO-proxies”.  This is the problem we need to fix and an experienced coach and trainer can be effective in doing this. 

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