Synchronized Sprint Cadence: Thoughtful Decision or Cargo Cult?

Participate in LinkedIn Discussion What is Cargo Cult? It is a term used to describe certain religious movements that emerged primarily in Melanesia, particularly during and after World War II. These movements arose when indigenous populations, observing the influx of material goods (“cargo”) brought by Westerners, believed that these goods were of divine origin. In … Read more

(UN)FITNESS PARADOX: Why Scrum and LeSS May Not Fit Your Organization?

Join LinkedIn Discussion Since the early 19th century, people have been using an idiomatic expression: “you can’t fit a square peg in a round hole“. What it means, essentially and metaphorically, is that something or someone is a misfit in a particular environment, situation, or role. For example, if a person describes himself as a … Read more

Dhaval Panchal & Gene Gendel AM Coffee Chat: Plan- vs. Results-Driven Orgs

Dhaval Panchal of Evolve Agility and Gene G. of KSTS Consulting talked about plan vs. results-driven companies, in their morning coffee chat. What plan-driven companies pay most attention to? Speed of delivery. Efficiency/productivity of workers. High outputs. What results-driven companies pay most attention to? Adaptiveness. Agility. Short feedback loops. Business outcomes. What organizational structures usually … Read more

Bringing It All Together: Developers “Shape” (I,T,M), DSEM and FTAM

There are lot of discussions about capabilities (technical, business domain) and maturities of developers and entire teams that gets circulated today. Sometimes, information is too confusing and terminology gets mixed up.  This summary is an attempt to pull together a few very important concepts and make them easy for everyone to follow. Feature Team Adoption … Read more

Practice What You Preach – Coach & Trainer Wants to Play Product/Manager Owner Role

LinkedIn Post I have spent more than 20 years of my career training and coaching agile, Scrum and Large Scale Scrum (LeSS), to hundreds of teams and thousands of team members.  I have upskilled hundreds Scrum Masters and Product Owners.  Many of my students were also certified by me. Many senior executives have received my … Read more

Large Scale Scrum (LeSS): Business Adaptiveness & Resilience

What examples of resilience and survival of the fittest phenomenon do we know from the natural history of our planet?  Remember what happened to animals during the Ice Age Era that was caused by an asteroid impact? There were some adaptive animals that migrated towards the equator, with warmer weather. They were able to change certain … Read more

Organization Improvements: Therapy Or Surgery? It Is Your Choice.

My good friend is a physician. Sometimes, he has to deliver unpleasant news to his patients, based on medical findings: hypertension, high cholesterol, high blood sugar or other out-of-range readings, found in blood work.  When my friend delivers this information, a patient always has a choice, how to react.

There are patients that tune in right away and play close attention to what my friend-physician has to say. They take his advice very seriously and demonstrate willingness to start making immediate steps towards improving their health condition: changing a life style and daily activities, quitting bad dietary and other habits.

On the other hand, there are always some patients that do not take medical recommendations seriously or think of them as too unreasonable (too “radical”).  For some of them, this is a result of simple human ignorance (“this is not a big deal“), while, for others, this is due to being in a mental state, called denial (“there is no way this could happen to me“).

There are also some patients that understand seriousness of findings and really wish they could improve their situation, however, due to a lack of will power… they do not make any significant efforts. They wait, and wait, and wait… until the point, when a gradual therapeutic treatment is no longer effective and more “radical”,  invasive procedures (e.g. surgery) are required.

Experienced organizational design consultants service companies in ways that are similar to how physicians serve patients.

For example, a consultant makes an assessment of its company-client, and based on it, makes recommendations. Recommendations may include a wide gamut of improvement steps, such as: changes to organizational and teams structure, updates to HR policies and internal procedures, budgeting mechanisms, communication style and use of tools, etc. Usually, these recommendations are supported by structured training, prolonged coaching and periodic reassessments.

In today’s fast-paced world, with technical modernization and AI gaining more and more market share, it becomes very important for companies to embrace inevitable market trends and make necessary improvements that ensure business resilience, competitiveness, relevance and success.

Similar to the physician-patient analogy, there are companies that pay close attention to a consultants’ recommendations. They are willing to invest in long-term improvement programs, and gradually (“therapeutically”) move to a desirable state.

To the contrary, there are companies that are dismissive of findings and choose not to take any meaningful, proactive steps. At best, they may implement superficial/trivial tweaks (a.k.a. box-checking) that create an illusion real changes.

But there is no free ride and there is a price for everything. Organizations that are ignorant, dismissive and complacent, usually find themselves in a tough situation later on, in the future, as they will have to deal with:

  • Long cycle time and feedback loops (big between “concept and cash”)
  • Overgrowth, leading to massive RIFs (local optimization for unnecessary roles)
  • Inertia, leading to inability to quickly react to market changes (lack of agility)
  • Decreased ROI (costs of organizational maintenance/overhead/waste exceeding returns)
  • Reduction of market share, customer satisfaction and chances to survive

So, while this is still not to late, please ask this question: How is your organization is preparing for a future?

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