ALI in partnership with Agile Beer presents: LeSS – A Descaling Framework

A great opportunity to present to two Ireland meetups, at once:
Agile Lean Ireland and Agile Beer.  More than 150 people joined, with many great questions.

Although LeSS is a scaling framework, in reality it requires organizational de-scaling.  It is also, organizational design framework that helps to address core elements of organizational design: HR policies, finance/budgeting, vendor management, site strategies – areas that are not too comfortable for many companies to address.

System and Lean thinking drive understanding of LeSS.
LeSS is not about: ‘best practices’, maturity metrics, RAGs, KPIs, tools, and operating models.

LeSS 3 adoption principles are:
1. Deep and Narrow (not broad and shallow)
2. Top – Bottom + Bottom – Up.
3. By Volunteering only

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