Unspoken Agile Topics
/re-printed from its original version/
This paper, originally written in February 2013, brings to light some of the least-discussed topics and consequences of “broadband agilization” that currently take place in the industry.
The materials of this paper are subdivided into two general sections:
- The first section describes certain impacts that Agile has on individuals and their personal career advancements.
- The second section describes organizational-level Agile impacts that pertain more to client companies that undergo Agile transformation,
as well as service-providing vendor companies that deliver Agile-transforming expertise to their respective clients.
The reader will most likely focus on the section that best represents his primary interests and concerns.
However, it is recommended that both sections are read in full, as in unison they create a better holistic perspective of the industry changes brought about by Agile-mania.
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Mentoring Coaches
(New Virtual Mentoring Program)
“How can credible, guide-level agile professionals that have sufficient amount of experience and a proven track record in coaching and leadership make themselves stand out?”
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Agile Self-Assessment Maturity Matrix
(…or how people self-reflect on their agile journey…)
A few weeks ago, I had a pleasure attending Scrum @ Scale course, taught by Jeff Sutherland. One of the in-class exercises that spanned across the entire duration of the class was having students make an assessment of their respective organizations, in various dimensions of agile maturity,
as they were discussed in class. The areas covered are displayed in image (below), in the left column. The dimensions of agile maturity discussed were: Prioritization, Delivery, Refactoring, Continuous Improvement, Strategic Vision, Release Planning, Release Management, Feedback loops, Metrics/Transparency and others.
To “grade” (assess) the state of maturity for any given dimension, people used a grading legend (right image below).
Post-it notes of different color were used to make graphic illustration more visual. It was pretty revealing to see so much orange color on the wall – indicative of situations with partial blockage/impediments.
(The next Scrum @ Scale course taught by Jeff Sutherland is on March 2-3, in Boston, MA.)
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Fresh Collection of Ad-hoc Agile References:
I continuously collect articles and publications that come from everywhere: colleagues coaches and trainers, clients, accidental encounters.
I keep a comprehensive list of resources here, categorized by themes.