
KSTS Consulting is a small, independent boutique company that serves organizations of all sizes, industries and geographies. The company sets the highest quality bar for other consulting firms,  coaches, trainers and organizational design experts that provide services to their respective clients. While holding others to high standards, KSTS Consulting strives to keep its own bar very high. KSTS Consulting holds the highest industry credentials, from the most reputable, world-recognized organizations, as well as has its own, proven track record of accomplishments.  Since agility must exist in all organizational domains: technology, operations, HR & finance, sales & marketing, vendor management and customer service – KSTS Consulting works closely with all organizational verticals, and this is why the company’s primary focus is on organizational design (the first-order factor that defines system dynamics), followed by culture, norms, behaviors, processes and tools.  KSTS Consulting can engage and add value at any organizational level: from senior leadership, to teams and individuals.  KSTS Consulting is the only company in the United States  that has the credential of a Certified LeSS Coaching Company (LinkedIn page).

 Our Team
Gene Gendel is the co-founder of KSTS Consulting. Gene is an organizational design consultant, adaptive & lean coach and trainer, and independent adviser to senior leadership.  Gene is a widely recognized, world-class trainer/instructor, and is mainly focused on organizational design and product centricity, the experience for which he has gained, over the decades of deeply embedded coaching and consulting.  Gene’s clients represent a wide industry spectrum.  Almost 15 of 20+ years of his professional experience Gene  has dedicated to working with companies of various sizes and lines of business, trying to help them improve internal dynamics, organizational structure and becoming a better place  for people to work in.  In his work,  Gene uses various methods, tools and techniques to amplify learning of other people and to ensure that his followers gain autonomy after Gene “coaches himself out of the job”.  Over the last decade, Gene’s big focus has been on large financial institutions and consulting companies that struggle with moving away, from traditional budgets and portfolio/program/project work decomposition, towards more adaptive/flexible budgeting and clearly defined products (product-centric, customer-focused development).  Gene’s, highly in-demand, LeSS classes and product discovery & definition workshops, both private and public, are based on intuitive system modelling and rich eco-systemic perspective that includes intra-organizational dynamics and market realities.
Gene is one of very few people who has been honored the status of Certified Enterprise Coach (CEC) – EMERITUS – something that is earned after 10 years of having CEC.  Gene is also one of the co-creators and holders of Certified Team Coach (CTC).
Since 2015, Gene has built the largest, fastest growing and the most active global Large Scale Scrum community, counting close to 7200 members, from around the world.
Gene is also a frequent presenter and panelist, publicly and privately, with a very diverse gamut of engaging topics.


Credentials of Gene Gendel and KSTS Consulting:

Gene is a well-recognized, globally, blogger and publisher.  Some of his publications are listed below:

Training, Coaching and Consulting Services

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Below is the list of supporting services, available on-demand, through KSTS Consulting.  For scheduled to run courses and workshops please, visit this page.

  • Organizational Design (OD) Workshop For Executive Management– this is private a session, in which participants will collectively address multiple organizational design problems, including teams- and department structure, HR norms and policies (career path/promotion/compensation), site strategies, budgeting and finance, as well as an overall business agility (adaptiveness).
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (hourly or daily rate, or flat rate)
  • Initial and recurrent organizational assessment: – the focus is on communication and reporting structure, HR norms and policies (e.g. career path, incentives, promotions), budgeting approaches, site strategies and more.  This is crucial element of any transformation effort, as it helps an organization to reflect on its initial state and ongoing progress.
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (hourly or daily rate, or flat rate)
  • Executive and enterprise coaching. Individual, single team and multi-team coaching – this represents a few different coaching focus areas and varies in scope and depth of coaching content delivered, based on the audience.
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (hourly or daily rate)
  • Internal support, tailored to raise internal talent: scrum masters and coaches (highest industry standards)– the main purpose of this type of offering is to cultivate and support internal talent, in order to ensure long-term capabilities and autonomy.
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (hourly or daily rate)
  • Ala carte list of trainings: Agile, Kanban, Scrum, Large Scale Scrum, Lean and more – this is  very wide array of various topics of interest, covered in structured training
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (hourly or daily rate)
  • “SAFe Recovery” Program  – gradual steps to address adverse effects of long-term SAFe implementation, while avoiding “big-bang”, large-scale radical changes and disruptions to BAU
  • Large Scale Scrum Training – this is a deep dive in organizational design and system dynamics, through system thinking and modelling.  LeSS teaching can come in the form of certified and not certified courses, and they are geared towards product developers, business users and executive managers.  Typically, HR and budgeting people also need to attend.
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (cost per student of flat rate)
  • Product Discovery & Business Agility Workshop –  this offering is most effective, when delivered after LeSS training.  It covers customer centricity, product definition and discovery, story mapping, customer journeys and much more.
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: negotiable (flat rate)
  • Lunch and Learn sessions: general and tailored topics – this is a great opportunity to take advantage of light-weight, informal knowledge sharing discussions, ran as  community events and delivered by an expert, experienced public speaker and facilitator
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: complimentary
  • Short introductory and general consulting session – this is a friendly meet & greet session with an expert professional, and it usually involves decision makers and people that have organizational design-changing authority and control of budget
    • On-site and virtual
    • Cost: complimentary


Functional Resume:

Note: This is a functional resume.  This format is used by highly experienced consultants that have been in service for many years and were involved in many engagements, where their role and responsibilities were consistent.  This resume format allows keeping it short and concise. 


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